Product Details
Jack's Premium Salmon Enhance is food topper that you can add to the top of whatever you currently feed your dog/cat. Not only does it work as a palatability topper, but also a very nutritious way to enhance your pet's feed and introduce organ meat into their diets.
8 Ounces (About 16 TBS/Jar)
Benefits of Salmon
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids boost healthy oils in your dog's coat to maintain healthy skin and coat and reduces inflammation in his or her joints to keep smooth moving joints
- Increases Blood Flow Fatty acids help release nitric oxide into your body dilating your blood vessels
- Healthy Cell Production During the digestion of the oils by aid of enzymes and bile in the digestive system, the body can break the fatty acids and utilize them for the reproduction of cells
- High Protein Dogs need protein for growth, healing and metabolic processes, and is arguably the most important nutrient for dogs
- Highly Digestible Salmon is one of those ingredients that is very easy for dogs to break down, digest, and absorb nutrients.
- EPA and DHA Fatty Acid Chains have been shown to improve cognitive function, especially in association with conditions like Alzheimer's and depression. These fatty acids are also involved in maintaining general cardiovascular function and are also important for proper fetal development, including neuronal, retinal, and immune function.
- & More Contains potassium, selenium, Vitamin B12, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Pantothenic acid, Riboflavin, Thiamin, & Folic acid
100% Carp
Frequently Asked Questions
Can dogs eat carp?
Yes, carp fish is a good source of lean protein and omega-three fatty acids. In addition, haddock is a low-calorie food, making it a good choice for those trying to lose weight. It contains: Niacin, Vitamins B6 and B12, Pantothenic acid, Selenium, Phosphorus, Omega-3 fatty acids, and Potassium.
What is the problem with carp?
Silver carp are an invasive species in the US. First introduced in the 1970’s to help control algae growth in aquaculture and wastewater treatment ponds, they made their way into surrounding waterways. Due to lack of native predators and an extremely high reproduction rate—females lay-up to 5 million eggs per year! Silver carp have established massive populations in the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, and Illinois rivers. They’ve created extreme competition for food sources for native species, destroying biodiversity in these waterways. Since carp is an invasive species, feeding carp to your pet is not only beneficial to them, but to our ecosystem as well.
Do Cats Like Fish?
Most cats like fish because cats eat primarily meat and fish is loaded with protein. Cats (being the obligate carnivores they are) can’t help but enjoy it. Besides its high protein content, fish also contains taurine – another compound that cats find enticing.